yeah... after spending whole night with my friends, today is all for my darling...
actually darling kenn has plan to bring me to have dinner at Look-out point today, but.... the plan has been RUINED yesterday.. haha.. luckily he told me that he has backup plans. i have been asking him WHERE ARE WE GOING TONIGHT for million times, what he say is just SURPRISE! haha...
oh yea.. this is my makeup for tonight... it's just with a simple eyeliner. THAT'S ALL. hahaha.. no mascara, no foundation, no WHATEVER.. cause i'm toooo lazy and i'm not pro on making up! TATA.. this is how i look like!
inside my darling's ride... heading to KL! haha... finally he told me that, we are going to El-Cerdo for dinner tonight. this was the second time for me.. oh yea. , i really miss the food there. IT'S AWESOME!
after dinner, we are going for a movie at Pavillion. Jay Chou new movie, The Treasure Hunter.
my darling kenn has start complaining about me. i ate non-stop lately. he is still hell full but i'm now getting another two more donut. i seriously salute myself thou.. hahaha...
but it taste really good. so i'm sorry... i dont care ppl say that i have put on weight, cause i seriously enjoy eating... =D

see my darling... hahaha.. he need some rest. haha.. for his food to be digest... he is watching me eating my and that makes him feel like vomiting. HAHAHA..
it taste WONDERFUL~~ I LOVE IT.....
thank you darling for the night... i love you! muacks~