
Monday, May 31, 2010


some random post.
i'm suppose to download my slides, for tomorrow's lesson, but i couldn't access to my Uni's website. so i couldn't download any of it. was so piss off!
while cleaning up my messy desktop, i found some picture that taken quite sometime. hehe... that's my mum behind me, and the baby that next to me is Baby Bobbie. ho ho ho...

realise that i doesn't have much post on my babies...
introduce again, the brown one is Fifi, and the fat one is Bobbie... they are good friends. and they like to MAKAN ANGIN... hahaha.. they enjoy sitting inside the car. whenever i open the car door, they will just bump into it. at the same time, they are barking at the people that pass by or dogs outside. hahaha!
i had an experience before that when i pass by LDP toll, the malay cashier girl got a SHOCK when she see both the babies inside the car, and kinda scare of touching my money. i was about to tell her that, since you are afraid of the dogs saliva and so on, just give me go without paying it la. HAHAHAHA... good idea right?
yea.. this picture taken quite sometime too! with my fringe, and middle length hair.
what do you think? should i just maintain my short fringe or just leave it long? i'm kinda confuse. aiks... especially when it cames to NOT-LONG-NOT-SHORT length. so hard to maintain!
that's why you can see the first picture, i just put a hairband on it cause i cant figure out what to do with it anymore! @.@
OPPPPPPSSSS... sorry for the BIG EYE MASK behind me. HAHAHAHAH
tada... this is how i look like with my long fringe. SO WHAT NOW/? long or short? wtf

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Penang Trip

an old post 22 and 23 May 2010
went Penang with my cousin, Barbara and Victor and also Mellissa (barbara's friend).
we are suppose to leave KL at 5.30am Saturday morning, and come back on Sunday night. unfortunately, on Friday that night, i had a VERY SUPER DUPER GEKKKK bad diarrhea.

i suspect is because of the hula hoop that i played in the afternoon. the hula hoop is soooo freaking heavy, and i play that continuously 15minute. but my grandma say it's because of FOOD POISONING.
at first, my grandma keep on telling me to stay back at home, dont go Penang since i'm not feeling well. but i insisted! and i tell myself that i will recoved before 5.30am. just let it out now! as i have few more hours to go.
but i really cant bear the pain anymore! so i called them to tell them that i'm not joining. suddenly, i got a message from my cousin brother, Victor, saying that HE INSISTED ME TO GO! sooooo, i faster pack my things and get ready! because at that moment, i'm feeling abit better.
my beloved grandmother wake up together with me, and wait for my cousins to pick me up. she pass me so many medicine, just incase the pain come back again!
we have so much fun through out the trip!!! BUTTTTT!!! none of us actually brought a camera! Barbara did bring her camera, but it's out of battery. WHAT A WASTE. we didn't capture any picture for remembrance, but at least, i got one picture for myself.
the picture of the TRIP! hahaha...

Lebuh Kimberley!

My STREET! hahaha.. proud to be! =D

Little Marley and Little Berry

hi there.
first of all, would like to introduce this two little baby, they are Marley, the white one (male), and Berry, the black one (female).
i got Marley this name from the movie call "Marley and Me", where as Berry, well.... cause i'm using BLACKBERRY, so i name her BerRY! =D
nice name right?
anyhow, these are the TEMPERORY name that i gave them, probably their new owner will give them a new name. I DONT KNOW. hahaha...

this is how they look like, when i saw them straying around...
supposingly there is 3 of them. 2 black 1 white.
but the other black is gone when i look for them again today.
and according to the neighbour, they say that someone has actually taken the black one away this morning.
i hope the other black one is in a good and safe condition.

this is baby Berry! oppps... shy shy!

and this is handsome Marley. i'm soooo maaaan!

baby Berry itching. hahaha..
from their face, can really tell the gender.
very obvious that this Berry is a female dog! cause she has a very faminine look.
Berry "i got a dreamy eyes"

okay... it's PICTURE TIME!
i promise so many of my friend that i will upload their picture ASAP!
but unfortunately, when this afternoon i pass by THEIR PLACE, i couldn't find them!
i guess they are hiding somewhere cause it's so freaking hot in the aftenroon!

they are SOOOO ALIKE! they are really brother and sister! hahaha.. the difference is just the COLOUR! that's it. hahaha...

get myself a picture with them, for remembrance.
once they are given away, this picture will be very valueable. =)
although i know i'm not in a good condition, will all the oily oily face and messy hair... hahaha

Marley is kinda scare of height. dont like to be carry up! cause he keep on struggling.
but i believe in one thing. they will get use to it if u always do that to them. especially when they are still a little puppy. hahaha...
like my FIFI (my dog), she love to be carried and cuddle and sayang and whatever...! cause i always do that to her when she is just a baby girl... =)

whereas Berry is very good. she will just let u carry quietly!
she is very lovely... i like Berry alot! she is being a very goood girl!

Marley....! get away from the camera!!!
Marley says" i want to take more picture, especially a closeup one!"
hahaha... ya... this Marley is super HYPER!
cannot sit still!

Marley says" nooo, i dont wanna go away! i just want to stay inside the house with you!"
hahhaa... yea....
i actually put them in the cage, cause they can actually sneak out from the gate of the house.
but the moment i put tem inside the cage, they keep on crying and barking like no body's business!
so i decided to put them into the house, like how i usually do to all my pets,
my 2 dogs and the other 2 cat.
cause anyhow, is just one night.
tomorrow their new owner will be here to take them home. =)

i gave them 2 bone. each one. but Marley seems not interested on the bone, only Berry is the one enjoying. haha... it's just a small one anyway. easier for them to chew, since they are just a puppy. haha...

after running around here and there, finally both Marley and Berry is tired.
they sleep together... hahaha...
so cute! they are really brother and sister.
they dont go far apart from each other, and taking care of each other.
so cute right?
can you see the shoe on the right side? haha.. they actually bite my shoe into the house. sooo cute! they didn't really bite it! they just bring into the house. arrrrrrhggggg....
i will miss them so much!

i'm happy that at last i manage to get them an owner.

but whoever is interested of having them, please do email me too! cause i want them to be well taken care! they will only be given to people that really loves them and care about them! not for people to ABUSE them! like how the china people did!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Boring and Lifeless Me

BORING~~~~ lying on my bed doing nothing. (cause today is my off day! =P)
i have been doing nothing for the past two months. my mind has totally shut down.
no income, but expenses INCREASED like NO BODY'S BUSINESS

LUCKILY.... i got a part time job. work as Promoter, with Maxis.

hmmmph... the first thing come into my mind is about the pay. well, it's very LOW! seriously... it's only rm100 perday. i still hesitating whether should i work or not, cause the working hours is kinda long. it's from 11am-9pm and it's from 30th April-16th May
in the end, i also choose to work. because Maygin, one of my friend is working... at least i have someone to work with me. haha.. instead of doing nothing at home, it's better to work! hehe... to have some extra pocket money for shopping! =D
Gin and I
during these days, i have meet all kinds of people, and of course customer. and manage to make new friends! and the funniest thing is... i MEET MY COUSIN!! haha...
i approach them, and at first they dont even want to talk to me, untill i ask a 5 MINUTES TIME FROM THEM! so chammm.... need to beg
and during the conversation, (at first i'm promoting, but end up we are chatting!) we talk alot! boyfriends, girlfriends, studies, place we hang out... UNTILL THEY ASK MY NAME! then i say i'm KIMBERLY. because there are too many coincidents and similarity between us, WE END UP ONLY REALISE THAT..... we are cousins... HAHAHAH! and we do meet before during my brother's wedding, which is 2 years ago, in Holiday Villa.
i guess all these is call DESTINY! hahaha.. anyway, i'm happy to meet them, cause we are actually a far related relataives, and i'm also glad that they are such a fun and nice going cousins!
i dont really treat them as my cousin, i treat them more like my friends, cause they are just to fun to talk to and play with! =D

Monday, May 3, 2010

Having fun with my Close Ones

i haven't been catching up with my close one for quite some time already, especially Jennie... she has been very busy with her studies... and also chi yen and Hon yean. the two monkey, aka my sister...
so me and Jennie went to play badminton in the morning... together with yinn jye, aaron and the others... and after that straight head to karaoke with Chi Yen and Hon Yean. haha... before i head to Jennie's house, (we going in one car) i went to the store room and took my brother's racquet. there is an electronic mosquito racquet happen to be there... so i just grab it and put it inside the bag, cause i am sure Jennie doesn't has a racquet, and i'm gonna lend her that! hahaa..
ta daH!! her racquet... soo funny!!! hahaha...
this is Me and Jennie. we have real low stamina. we play not more than half an hour, then we rest. HAHAHA...
while everyone is playing, i took this. HAHAHA.. look so stupid!
well.. after awhile, jennie and i went back to my house to take a shower before we head to karaoke. yeaaaa~~~ karaoke, my favourite. i miss my karaoke partnet, Peixuan...
when she come back to malaysia, we will definitely going to karaoke! and will sing till throat burst only we leave! HAHAHA..
me and Hon Yean. a very nice guy ! that like to do all kinds of stupid things that make me speechless sometimes
Hon yean and chi Yen. the Yean Brothers!
while waiting for my song... haha.... =P
this is Lovely jennie~ with her beautiful leg... trying to seduce the readers. HAHA...
before we leave.. the last picture and Neway, Puchong.
after the karaoke session, me, jennie, chiyen and honyean decided to go Cheras Pasar Malam.
all of us never been there before, and so we decided to go on the same day.
i was in ChiYen's ride, with honyean, cause i doesn't wanna be a light bulf of Jennie and Aaron. HAHA...
along the way to cheras, we nearly got stop by the police because we were caught in the jam, and Chiyen actually did use the emergency lane. Luckily he didn't drive fast, cause there is police waiting infront. BLESSED!
Chiyen with his Ferrari...
ate Pan mee... can u see the sky? it's still so bright.
we reach there around 7 to avoid the jam...
this is the new lovely couple, Jennie and Aaron
and Solo Me. =( sob
well.. i know i will not be alone, cause this two monkey sister of mine will always be with me, backing me up! =D